Welcome to forma’s blog

By May 10, 2018Uncategorized

We love design and that’s why, at forma, we’ve merged passion and work since we started operating in 1997. We’re an organisation whose main goal is to represent ideas in a virtual way and we use the latest technologies to achieve it.

The four big brands of which forma consists are: formaARCH, formaCG, forma VR and formaSCHOOL, and their goal is to provide our customer’s projects with infographic solutions through 3D and virtual reality tools.

formaARCH focuses on realizing virtual projects of architectural visualization. We can carry out virtual representations of both outdoor and indoors spaces, thanks to a multidisciplinary team of 3D artists, animators, art directors and, of course, architects.

formaCG makes VFX special effects and Animation. Through this brand, we materialise our passion for telling stories. To make it happen, we use digital characters, visual effects and motion graphics. We have a leading role in all stories, from creating the storyboard to the final montage.

formaVR works on virtual reality and augmented reality. We build virtual and photo-realistic environments to evoke a total immersion of the viewers. We like to help you see another world come true.

formaSCHOOL is a landmark school in the field of 3D in Barcelona. Our over 20 year experience is indeed our best credential as experts in virtual representation of ideas. With us, you will learn how to become a qualified professional in the industry.

At forma, we were pioneers in 3D and today we are conscious of how virtual reality leads the way. We thoroughly work cross-discipline in architecture, engineering, medicine, education and advertising to move forward and become a benchmark in this technology.

forma’s blog starts today with the objective of becoming an open window to knowledge and  ideas exchange. We want to bring you to the virtual reality, special effects and animation world, letting you enjoy every piece of content as if you were sitting on your sofa at home.


About formadisseny